Lalita Parfum (50ml)

Rare and Exquisite 100% Natural

Fill the Heart with Deep Contentment —The luxury of precious Champaka and Jasmine combine with refreshing Bergamot from Calabria, sweet Anise, and the warming resins of Myrrh and Frankincense to captivate the soul and fill the heart with deep contentment. 50 ml spray bottle boxed with Kalash card in four languages.

Organic Certification by NATRUE

Natrue Certificate LogoNatural with Organic Portion



467 in stock

SKU: PAE05012


Eco Control and Natrue certified organic cosmetics.

50 ml spray bottle boxed with Kalash card in four languages.

Das Herz mit tiefer Zufriedenheit—Der Luxus von edler Champaka und Jasmin, in Verbindung mit erfrischender Bergamotte aus Kalabrien, süßem Anis und dem wärmenden Harz von Myrrhe und Weihrauch bezaubert die Seele und erfüllt das Herz mit tiefer Zufriedenheit.

Combleront votre coeur d’une profonde plénitude—La magnificence du champaca et du jasmin harmonisée avec la fraîcheur de la bergamote de Calabre, la douceur de l’anis et les chaudes résines de myrrhe et d’encens captiveront votre âme et combleront votre coeur d’une profonde plénitude.

Llenar el corazón de bienestar—El lujo de la preciada champaca y el jazmín combina con la refrescante bergamota de Calabria, el anís dulce y las cálidas resinas de la mirra y el olíbano para cautivar elalma y llenar el corazón de bienestar.

Riempiono il cuore e lo spiritoIl lusso della preziosa unione tra Champaka e Gelsomino insieme con il rinfrescante Bergamotto Calabro, l’Anice dolce, la calda resina di Mirra e di Incenso, affascinano l’anima e riempiono il cuore e lo spirito.

Aromas, natural fragrances, according to Ayur-Veda, the ancient Science of Life, brings Saubhagya—good luck; Kanti—beauty;
Balam—strength, as well as happiness and bliss. Vedic Aroma fragrances and cosmetics—it’s a feeling of living in Heaven.

Additional information

Volume 50 ml
Additional note

Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight; Always close the cap, when not in use, to avoid evaporation. Keep out of the reach of children; All caps are child-proof.

Vedic Aroma fragrances , made with 100% pure floral essences, naturally have a healthy influence on mind and body and create a feeling of well-being.These fragrances do not contain any substances such as phthalates, parabens, or petroleum which are used by the perfume industry in making chemical based perfumes last longer.

Natural perfumes, made without any synthetics, usually maintain their fragrance between 2-6 hours
depending on the body chemistry and skin type.

These natural Perfumes are a refreshing combination of essential oils of plants and natural resins.
The top notes, heart notes , and base notes of essential oils unfold harmoniously , unfolding the full fragrance.


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